PAY ATTENTION TO THE SIGNS: Signs Are All Around You! > Heal Yourself Oracle Card

Pay Attention to Signs: 
 Signs are all around you. Open your mind and pay closer attention to your environment. 

Your angels know that you have been feeling lost about the direction you need to take in your life and the decisions you need to make. They have heard your frustrations and your pleas for help. They ask you to slow down, stop focusing on the problem and allow a solution to come into your reality.

Your spiritual helpers have been organizing synchronistic events and support for you, but you keep thinking in the same stubborn way. Relax and look at life in a more creative way.

Pay attention to repetitive signs and signals. A sign can come in the form of a song, a movie, a book, nature, animals, people, thoughts, dreams, visions etc. At times your body also gives you signs. Your body may be telling you to rest, change your diet or to work on challenging emotions. Be sure to take these signals seriously.

Advice & Action: 
Do this with a friend, Put on a song. Dance freely. Have your friend stop the song between 2-3 mins. When the music stops, make a gesture. From that position think about your challenge from a different perspective.?Ask for a sign then repeat the exercise with a new song 4-5 times. Record all important insights. Over the next week pay attention to signs from your environment as well as from your dreams.

  Heal Yourself Reading Cards: Intuitive Guidance to Transform Your Soul (Reading Card Series)
