RENEWAL: Great passion and desire. Cleansing and purification.

Great passion and desire. 
Cleansing and purification. Anger and frustrations. 

This card offers a brand new path for you and also asks you to let go of the past. The renewal card represents cleansing and purification, just as fire cleanses and purifies the land. It is a difficult process but important for rebirth and re-connection to spirit.

Strong and unstable emotions rise to the surface and anger may have been built up inside.

Past failures and bad relationships will be let go and although this may seem difficult, the sense of relief will be great.

Money losses will all soon be a thing of the past. You may feel you have been constantly tested and have survived to this point, well now your new life is beginning and you have passed the hardest of the trials before you.

Possible new beginnings and major life choices are taking place. Setting new, achievable goals will drive your motivation and ambitions to frenzy levels. However you have to make room in your life for this to happen, so some things need to come to an end once and for all.

Let go and trust that greater things will come in their place. Necessary endings will rejuvenate you and help you get the respect you deserve. Once you have weathered the cleansing you will emerge a brand new person, someone to be reckoned with, filled with more strength that you have had previously.

Stay focused on the new life now and fire on to victory!

Passion abounds and you could see relationships being renewed that may have been in trouble, or you could be meeting someone new that you desire passionately.

Difficult relationships with no future will end and a change of attitude is called for so you don't repeat the mistakes of the past. You will feel rejuvenated and in more control of your destiny once you make the necessary changes.

A beautiful bejewelled-wish fulfilling carp fish represents strength for change and facing challenges. With determination place one in the north section of the home for enhancing opportunities.
