YIN AND YANG:The balance of life. Major life decisions. >Chinese Oracle Card

The balance of life. Major life decisions. 

All of us have a bit of Yin (dark) and Yang (light) in us that are needed to make us whole. If you're directed to read this blog post, then this card may be for you. This card shows dynamic potential around now and in the future. Perfect spiritual balance will be obtained through your kindness to others. Be respectful of others and be patient as this is not a time for hasty decisions. Stability must come from within. Wisdom and sound advice comes from people you admire, listen carefully to what they say and give them your full attention.

A time of progress around financial areas in your life after the dark times. You will now find the light as opposition melts away. You have strong influence that can persuade others to your way of thinking and enemies could become friends. Strange and unexpected developments could leave you with inner knowledge that the universe is working in your favor. A fortunate time for forming partnerships. 

A match made in heaven is foretold for those searching for soul mates. Time is ripe for love. Intuition is extremely high and you can find yourself at the right place at the exact right time to meet new love interests. A time of harmony around households is best for your well-being and is easily obtainable with this powerful symbol card. Yin and Yang is all about loving in harmony with nature and the universe and that balance can be achieved now. Expect some unusual and wonderful teachers to manifest and welcome them into your life or your family.

 For balance in your life and to remind you of your dynamic potential place a Yin and Yang charm on your key ring or a Yin and Yang picture framed on a wall in your workplace.
