I know a few people who complain about not feeling connected when doing the short version of Ho'oponopono. They say that repeating the mantra makes them feel like it's just reciting "words". And although our intent & "just reciting the words" is all our soul needs to recognize the prayer, they just aren't satisfied with just repeating the words over and over again. Some even say that their mind tends to wonder because of the disconnect.
I totally understand as I once felt the same.
My problem is that I didn't learn the technique in detail. I was just picking up how other's were teaching it on youtube. And as you've probably seen, everyone teaches it differently. While some will say that there is "no right way" to say a prayer, as a Virgo,I needed to know the WAY the original instructors taught it and I want to know the meaning of what they are teaching. So, I finally stopped being a cheapo and invested in the actual course.
After the first video, my soul felt connected. Everything then made sense. And that is when I felt connected doing the Ho'oponopono. Dr. Hew Len taught it so amazingly and even mentioned Dr. Mornnah who TAUGHT him.
So, if you are like me and just did a google search or youtube it, I PROMISE YOU-- learning this course will open your eyes to how Ho'oponopono is really practiced. So, I strongly suggest investing in this course. So, far this has been the BEST $39 I've ever spent to invest in my career and LIFE. [Click here to purchase the course]
Whether or not you take the course, I hope the way I've helped my clients will also help you. Here are 3 suggestions to "feel" the prayer.
1. Meditate and take your time doing the prayer. You don't have to just "repeat the words" like a broken record. You can add your words, like you would if you were saying a regular prayer (like we were taught in church). Talk to God as if Divine was right in front of you--add your words in between the Ho'oponopono sentences.ie. "Dear God. I'M SORRY for anything I did in this life or past lives that created this situation between me & Charlie. PLEASE FORGIVE ME for not knowing any better and not being conscious of what my actions. THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to clear this and for forgiving me. I LOVE YOU for all you do."
One of these days, I hope to post a video demonstrating this method. Insha Allah (God willing)
Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
This one I found totally resonated with me. It is Morrnah's prayer. (Dr. Hew Len's teacher) Her prayer is the original version before it was shortened by Dr. Hew Len. The words are POWERFUL. After mentioning "the issue(s)" that i need to clean, I end up crying-- it is that powerful!
Here are just a few of Morrnah's prayer. I've listed 3 but most people only do one at a time. I, personally, do all of it because when I do Morrnah's prayer, I mean business! lol I use the short version through out the day when I don't have time or a quiet place to meditate.I've tweaked the prayer by a word or few (very minor) so this is my version of her prayer. You can find the originals online. IMPORTANT: Prayers must be said 4 times!
(Instructions are towards end of blog)
OPENING PRAYER: Only said once. (Not everyone does the opening prayer but I LOVE IT!)
“I” AM THE “I”
“I” come forth from the void in to the light,
“I” am the breath that nurtures life,
“I” am that emptiness, that hollowness beyond all consciousness,
The “I” the id, the all,
“I” draw my bow of rainbows across the waters, The continuum of minds with matters.
“I” am the incoming and outgoing of breath, The invisible, untouchable breeze, The undefinable atom of creation.
“I” am the “I”
PRAYER #1: (I use this to heal my inner child & when I have issues with my children)
DIVINE CREATOR, Father, Mother Child as ONE:
Oh, my Child (subconscious mind / inner child), will you forgive for all my errors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions I have accumulated, and subjected you to over eons of time?
As your Mother today, I forgive you for all your errors, fears, resentments, insecurities, guilt’s and frustrations.
Come and hold my hand and reverently ask the Father Divine to join us and hold hands. As a unit of two please ask the Father to join us and make the three of us a unit of one. Let love flow from me to you and from us to the FATHER. Let the DIVINE CREATOR embrace us in the circle of DIVINE LOVE.
Divine creator, father, mother, son as one…If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended any of you in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness. Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies & vibrations and transmute these unwanted energies into pure light. Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
("It is done" means that the human work is done, not God's work. It's us letting go and surrendering the issue to God & our Divine team to do their work. It's us TRUSTING THEM to take over.)
PRAYER #3: (Popular one-- most just recite this alone)
Universe, Spirit, Superconscious, & all those who care about me in spirit,
Please locate the origin of my feelings, thoughts of __________ (fill in issues ie. "losing my home").
Take each and every level, layer, area and aspect of my being to this origin. Analyze it and resolve it perfectly with God’s truth. Come through all generations of time and eternity. Healing every incident and its appendages based on the origin.
Please do it according to God’s will until I am at the present, filled with light and truth. God’s peace and love, forgiveness of myself for my incorrect perceptions. Forgiveness of every person, place, thing, circumstances and event which contributed to these thoughts and feelings.
CLOSING PRAYER – say once.
Peace be with you,
All my peace,
The peace that is “I”,
the Peace that is “I” am,
The peace for always, now and forever and evermore,
My peace “I” give to you,
My Peace “I” leave with you,
Not the world’s peace, but, only my Peace,
The Peace of “I”
While there are is no "correct way" to say the prayers, here is how I PERSONALLY recite it. The only thing that is mandatory is that the main prayer needs to said 4 times.1. Find a quiet peaceful place where you wont be disturbed.
2. Be present at the moment & gently focus on the issue(s) you would like to heal. Try not to judge it and start to consider how grateful you would feel if it was removed from your life.
3. Start with this square breathing exercise below:
Square breathing-- 7 Rounds
- A. Inhale for 7 counts.
- B. Hold breath for 7 counts.
- C. Exhale for 7 counts.
- D. Hold the breathe for 7 counts. Feel the beautiful Divine Energy settling in your soul, helping you heal.
Above is considered one round. Do 7 Rounds
4. Choose which prayer(s) you would like to say. You can say one or all --it's up to you and what feels right.
5. Next slowly and rhythmically recite the Morrnah’s prayer of your choice. Repeat the main one four times. Feel it as you say it. If you feel like crying, cry--don't stop yourself. Crying is a form of detoxing.
6. End the prayer with the square breathing again. But THIS TIME, instead of counting to 7, say in your head the Hooponopono Mantra & use the mantra's count.
Square breathing-- 7 Rounds w Ho'oponopono Mantra
- A. Inhale (Divine Energy) while saying in your head: I'M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU. (inhaling & don't stop til 1 mantra is complete)
- B. Hold the breath while saying in your head: I'M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU. (Hold breath til 1 mantra is complete) Imagine Divine Energy collecting all those stuck energies within you to release it
- C. Exhale while saying: I'M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU. (exhaling til 1 mantra is complete) . Imagine you breathing out the negative energies & releasing it to the Universe to be transmuted to positive energy.
- D. Hold the breathe while saying in your head: I'M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU. (Hold breath til 1 mantra is complete) . Feel the beautiful Divine Energy settling in your soul, helping you heal.
This round is considered one round. Do 7 Rounds
You are done! ππ
Please don't forget to thank Divine & your Divine Team (your spirit guides, divine angels, ancestors, and higher self) for their time and help.
I hope this helps! Please share if you appreciate this post.
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