Today's Card *TRUTH BE TOLD* Speak Up!

Wisdom of the Oracle

If you are reading this page, it's likely that you were sent here to read this message. However, if it doesn't resonate with anything you're going through, then it's obviously someone else's story...maybe even someone you know. Either way, I hope this message is somehow beneficial to you. =)

Short Tarot Reading:
I'm getting that this is regarding a romantic relationship. I dont get that this couple is "officially" together--they may just be seeing each other. For some, this is a relationship that you're trying to rekindle. For a very small few, this is someone you've known before but this is the first time getting to know them on this level. 
There is some distance in this relationship-- location (a long-distance relationship) or emotional (separation).

One energy (most likely the feminine energy but can be vice versa) really loves/has strong feelings for her partner but feels emotionally drained and out of sorts. She loves him but doesnt know where she stands. She is really worried that he doesnt feel the same about her, which is causing her to be emotionally imbalanced. She really wants to work it out but doesnt know if she should just give up.

The masculine is having an issue with distance and doesn't feel like it can work out. But, truthfully... it's not really the distance (both partners are willing to travel to see one another). The masculine has been hurt in the past and is very paranoid that he will get hurt again. The REAL problem is that he has TRUST ISSUES. He does love/have strong feelings for the feminine but is holding back & is too afraid to express it. He would rather just enjoy their time together and not talk in depth about their situation because he feels they will just argue.

The feminine is really holding back. She, too, doesnt want to argue. But she really wants to be treated fairly. She wants to know whether or not he's going to take this relationship serious or if he is just going to be in and out of her life for casual sex. She wants to stability! She wants commitment and she really needs clarity from him--does he want the same? BUT...because they dont see each other often, she doesnt want to spend what little time she has with him arguing.

SPIRITS ADVICE IS TO SPEAK UP!!! Dont continue to put yourself in this emotional turmoil. This stagnancy is making you very unstable, which is causing instability in other areas in your life. Have you noticed that you've been impatient and moody lately for no reason? It's because of this situation! You are imbalanced. And this lack of communication is TOXIC and shouldn't exist in any relationship...especially if you are aiming towards commitment or marriage. SPEAK UP AND FIND OUT WHERE YOU STAND! You may be worrying for nothing. You may be able to say something that will make him TRUST this situation. And in the worst case scenario: the sooner you rip that band-aid off, the sooner you can heal and move on with your life. The sooner you can find the love/relationship you want. But if you stay quiet, you will stay STUCK.

Possible astrology signs:
Feminine showed up as Queen of Cups & Masculine showed up as King of Cups 
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus | Western or Vedic Astrology) or someone who just possesses a loving, kind, nature. Someone who might even be intuitive. And/or someone who just has deep emotional feelings for the person they are dating/seeing.
-Matching counterparts; Perfect Match; Possible Twin Flames; DEFINITE SOULMATES

Sending you all 
Love💓, Light🌞, & Soy-Sauce 🎎 

(Official message that came with the oracle card)

The Oracle’s message: There is the truth, which is the essence of a thing, and then there is a truth, subjective according to the philosophy of the adherent or believer. This is not a time for debate about which truth is truer. This is a time when you are called to proclaim your truth out loud, and be willing to be transparent, honest, and open in your communication with others and with yourself. Nothing less than surrender to what is, peeling off the layers of denial that kept you tied to an illusion, will set you free. Be authentic and gloriously flawed, and Spirit will answer with miracles.

Relationship message: People tell you who they are very quickly if you’re willing to listen to what they say and pay attention to how they behave. This card calls you to engage in heartfelt, open conversation. It’s time to see the truth about what you share with each other and tell the truth about who you are and what you need. No one can do that for you. Remember that your truth is always based in your personality and experience up to now. A higher truth will be found after you communicate honestly and see how doing so has helped you become more attuned to yourself. Don’t hold back. Speak your truth . . . and listen.

Prosperity message: Are you willing to do whatever it takes to experience the prosperous life you desire? If you want to be an artist, do you make your art a priority? If you want to be a healer, do you set time aside to learn new things to help you serve? A writer must write, and a singer must sing. Being true to your calling is essential to your moving forward. There is another oracle message here, too. It’s time to have a look at the real, honest truth about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about prosperity— about your relationship to money, to compensation, and to meaningful work. Ask yourself, What is true for me? and you will find the key to abundance.

Note: Time is fluid so this may have already happened to you or hasnt happened to you yet. 
I go based on energies so when I refer to feminine or masculines, it is NOT gender specific. It depends on what gender is holding that specific energy.
