Today's Cards: Neverending Story, Exchanging Gifts, Fork in the Road

1. Never Ending Story 
 “Self-criticism; the wounded ego; unnecessary dramas.”

The Oracle’s Message: 
“There is a story woven through the imperfect fabric of life that tells of hurt and loss, rejection and humiliation, self-loathing and arrogance, and all manner of suffering born of unnecessary dramas. It is the old story whose refrain is you cannot do this, you must not go there, you should not say that – lest your wold come crumbling down. Today, know that none of this is actually true. The sky is not falling. The voice you hear is just a small, scared, conditioned part of you that got stuck in a lie, wants to protect you, and needs to be seen as a victim. Love that lost piece of you. Fear is all it knows. Distorted guidance is preventing you from being true to yourself. You are not your story, and the narrator is simply the voice of your fearful part, small and vulnerable and easily soothed.”

Relationship Message: “Sometimes your heart enters into a contract with another that results in pain, not because of abuse or neglect but for other, more complex reasons. Shame, fear of intimacy, and low self-esteem are the greatest challenges to the success of a relationship. Consider how valuable this knowledge is, however. Right now you have an opportunity for important healing, but you must reflect on the stories you weave about love, connection, abandonment, rejection and loneliness. Not only do you need to begin a new story; you need to forgive yourself for telling yourself the old ones. Have compassion for the part of you that believes all those narratives. None of them were ever true anyway.”


2. Exchanging Gifts: 
“The Law of Giving and Receiving; currency; trade-offs; weighing costs and determining value.”

The Oracle’s Message:
“You are entering into a productive and enriching time when all manner of opportunities are being offered to you. You have everything you need to seize them. Yet in order to honor them, you must put in the time, exchange your experience and skills, and commit heart and soul to what you are choosing to pursue. You can do it! You have what it takes to be successful if you align with the Law of Giving and Receiving. You must engage in a dance of give and take, push and pull, doing and being. If you let fear guide your choices, you could deplete yourself or create an imbalance. This is not a time of just do, do, do. Use your currency wisely and be mindful of the value others bring to your life.”

Relationship Message: “Love is an exchange of life force energy between two beings. It grows exponentially when it is reciprocated. You must give and receive in order for love to flourish and abundance to flow between you. Spirit wants you to start accepting all the blessings waiting for you, as well as offer the same gift in return. Open your heart and allow it to be filled! Let love in and let it flow out of you, too. Love is truly yours today.”


3. Fork In The Road 
 “Time to make a decision; considering the consequences as you prepare to act; owning up to your obligation to make a necessary choice.”
The Oracle’s Message: “Every choice has a consequence. You have arrived at a fork in the road and are being asked to come to a decision. Will you further your dreams by choosing left? Or by choosing right? Will you take the road less traveled or the one well worn by others who have come before you? This is your choice, and yours alone, to make. Circumstances and other people will not make it for you. Be present, and do not avoid this junction, for it is an important crossroads. Take heart, as no matter which path you choose, you will have a rich and meaningful experience.”

Relationship Message: “You have reached a moment of truth in the evolution of your relationship. Which will you choose: to open up to the possibility or love, or to remain isolated; to go deeper and commit to mutual passion, or to walk away? This is a time to take responsibility for your truest desire and to follow it. Be honest with yourself about what you are willing to do, invest, and give. Then choose. You cannot make a wrong choice. If you move forward with a relationship, know that it will be based in truth and authenticity. You will have made a conscious decision rather than simply hanging on because you do not want to be alone – or ending things because you are afraid of the intensity of a genuine connection. All roads lead to the lessons you must learn in your relationships. regardless of the decision you make, it will place you on the path to a truer experience of the heart.”

Prosperity Message: “You have come as far as you can on this part of your journey, and now you are faced with a choice. Inherent in this choice is the need for change, for evolution, and for a bettering of your circumstances. Narrow it down to just a single question: Who do I need to become, and what do I need to believe, in order to live a life of prosperity? Answer honestly and from the heart. Then the decision about which way to go will be effortless. Know that abundance is all around you. Choose to see it, and it will be easier to settle on a direction, for the way will be made clear by your intuition, which knows how to steer you towards your well being.”

Protection Message: “Indecision is extremely frustrating and will lead to anxiety, loss, and confusion. At this juncture, you can’t remain in place without losing your way altogether. Avoid the tendency to let others choose for you, which amounts to a subtle refusal to take responsibility. Do not give your power away, not even to this oracle. By not making a choice, for which you must be accountable. If that choice leads to undesirable circumstances, take heart; Spirit never tires of giving you second chances. You can always start again once you have learned this valuable lesson.”*
