During meditation, I had a vision/message. Out of no whwere, I saw the DM. He was smiling as he grabbed onto a cord/rope. He said he was going to follow the cord and move where it leads him. The cord fell on a map and it was leading SOUTH. So, I feel like the twin flame soul group that Im tapping into lives in separate towns/cities...maybe even states. And specifically, the DF lives SOUTH.
This can mean:
1. DM will be moving towards you (energetically)
2. DM might actually be relocating to your area to be with you.
Because I was SHOCKED, I feel that for most of you, it will be a relocation. There was a knowing of past talks about the DF moving but never of DM moving so that's what shocked me.
Also, me being SHOCKED indicates that when this happens, it will be when you least expect it--perhaps when you've finally given up; finally feel you've gotten over him; finally stopped letting this connection drain you. It was an event you just didnt see coming.
THE CORD-- It has to be of some significant. I feel like maybe you tried to cut cords but was unsuccessful. (This was def my case) This can't be cut because it's the cord that will lead him back to you! That cord helps him find his way home.
THE CORD-- It has to be of some significant. I feel like maybe you tried to cut cords but was unsuccessful. (This was def my case) This can't be cut because it's the cord that will lead him back to you! That cord helps him find his way home.
What should you NOW do?
Spirits advise is to continue to WORK ON YOURSELF. Continue to walk your path and continue to HEAL. The reason the DM is getting closer to his awakening is because of YOU-- you inspire him. The more you heal, the more he does, too. You are the light he follows. So, dont dim your light because you're tired. EVEN IF your DM exercises his free will and decides to stay miserable with his karmic, that same LIGHT will attract another soul mate who will see it and follow it straight to you.
I was told that you still need to STAY AWAY from your DM. He still needs to take care of his situation. If you "make up" with him too soon, you give him "just enough good energy" to be able to tolerate staying with his karmic partner. It is YOUR good energy that makes him survive it. He will never see how his karmic partner depletes him if preventing it by keeping him on full.
Let him go-- ALLOW him to truly work out his situation with his karmic partner so he can see for the final time if he wants to be there. I was told that for YEARS, it was just a COMFORT thing that lacked passion and feelings. And every time they tried to revived it, it almost felt "fake" and uncomfortable so it didnt last long. The DM NEEDS to see that he has given his karmic ONE final chance before he can leave without feeling guilty. ALLOW HIM TO find his happiness. If he is happy with her and stays with her, then perhaps, he wasnt YOUR DM to begin with. So, let him go so YOURS can enter your life.
In the meantime,
- FORGIVE HIM for not being as strong as you need him to
- FORGIVE YOURSELF for blaming yourself and thinking that you werent good enough. That's not true-- It has nothing to do with you. It's HIS issues that he has to work on. But, thankfully, YOU opened his eyes to it.
- You have a beautiful life to LIVE so please....LIVE IT!
I will be placing a video/subliminal track to help ease the pain of being without your DM. It has worked for my clients and recently for a dear friend who has had a very hard time on this TF journey. I will post it on twitter once it's online. http://www.twitter.com/healinginnergy
Namaste, beautifuls!
Forgive any grammar errors or typos-- Ill proofread after dinner. =)
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