(not what you feel they want to hear)
Take some time to clarify what you need to communicate and to whom. Honest communication begins with you. Take a moment to connect within and ask yourself:
- in what area of your life are you hiding and denying how you feel?
-Does your relationship with your partner need revamping?
-Are there things that are not working?
-Who are the people in your life that you must be honest with?
This is your opportunity to take back your power and share clearly, wisely and honestly what does and does not work for you. When you feel vulnerable you can be easily swayed to say what you feel the other person wants to hear in order to keep the peace. The message of this card is that you NEED TO SAY what YOU REALLY MEAN whether someone else likes it or not.
-Does your relationship with your partner need revamping?
-Are there things that are not working?
-Who are the people in your life that you must be honest with?
This is your opportunity to take back your power and share clearly, wisely and honestly what does and does not work for you. When you feel vulnerable you can be easily swayed to say what you feel the other person wants to hear in order to keep the peace. The message of this card is that you NEED TO SAY what YOU REALLY MEAN whether someone else likes it or not.
Rub your hands together for about 30-40 secs then imagine that you are holding a blue ball of energy in your hands. Reflect on the qualities of confidence, honesty and clarity. Then place your hands just above your throat and breathe in the blue light. Imagine this light moving into your throat and helping you to access the right words that you need to say. Picture the person who you need to communicate with standing in front of you. Share what you feel you need to say to this person, realizing that their Higher Self is listening. When you have completed this action, write down what you feel you need to say to them. Then share your feelings in person if appropriate.
Stand in your truth & SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! You will feel so light me.
💖 Namaste, my beautiful souls.💋
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