Become conscious of how your inner saboteur functions. You are about to sabotage a big opportunity. Now is the time to stop procrastinating and cease focusing your energy on why you are unworthy of wonderful, enriching experiences. When you connect to the Saboteur archetype you begin to recognize all the ways you pass up interesting opportunities and relationships which could make you grow, learn, evolve and become fulfilled. The Saboteur is terrified of change and guards your heart from that which is meaningful to you, with the misguided belief that if you don’t try you can’t fail. It forgets that if you don’t escape from your comfort zone you cannot succeed and experience the love and joy, which would fulfill you. On the lighter side the Saboteur can help you connect to your intuition and help you to listen to your deeper wisdom. It can assist you in deciphering a potentially dangerous situation from an exciting one.
Take a few deep breaths and become conscious of where in your body you feel like you are limiting yourself. Place your hands on that part of your body. Visualize your Saboteur archetype; it may look similar to this card or like a shadow aspect of you. Ask this part of yourself to show you how you miss out on or sabotage your relationships, career, money, health and any other aspects of your life where you are not fulfilled. Become aware of your patterns. Make a commitment to yourself to start focusing on your strengths rather than your weaknesses and welcome new experiences into your life.
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