Are You Really HEALED or Did You Just Bury the Problem?

I don't just heal via Reiki. I practice several forms of energetic, metaphysical healing. My main form of therapy is energetic clearing & reprogramming of one's subconscious mind & even their DNA (which scientists have proven holds over 800 years of memories [hence ancestral /hereditary & past-life karma, addictions, issues]). But I just want to briefly discuss the subconscious mind.

Most people think they are #healed from relationships or trauma when they no longer think of their ex or event. But unconsciously, when they sabotage potential happiness, that's a sign that they are not healed. WE MUST heal from a subconscious level to prevent unconscious sabotaging & unhealthy patterns.

When we don't heal on a subconscious level, we just merely bury our pain...not heal from it. TRUST ME- our subconscious mind REMEMBERS EVERYTHING (even as early as being in your mom's womb). And eventually, when we can no longer keep it dormant, we get triggered & go through depression & sabotage relationships, jobs, etc. Then we wonder what is wrong with us, why we cant get it together, etc. because CONSCIOUSLY we KNOW what we did was wrong/ made the wrong choice, we KNOW that person wasn't right for us, etc... but we cant seem to get it right. We live in a prison of misery.

True healing FREEs you of your hurtful past- it eliminates the pain associated with the memory (not the memory itself as its need for our evolution). It allows you to love (yourself) again; allows you to accept happiness again. Therefore, unconsciously, you no longer try to protect yourself from happiness because you no longer associate happiness with pain anymore. So you start attracting happiness. And when you allow it, you attract more of it & attract it to different areas of your life.
Our Conscious mind uses only 10% of our brain (Logical mind/ awareness) Our Unconscious mind, uses 30-40% of our brain & responds/ reacts based on the info that our subconscious mind holds. (Acts as our protector) Our Subconscious mind is our computer chip- it remembers and knows everything! It remembers every event, every pain; It knows what illnesses you have, what's causing it, etc... (body, mind, soul's computer chip)
To understand the difference of the Conscious, Subconscious and the Unconscious Mind, watch this video (if you have Amazon Prime)
