This morning I pulled a few tarot cards to see what the collective needed to hear and offer quick guidance since I know we are reaching a very important cycle of change and transformation. The cards in these posts offer quick & general guidance for the week. For a detailed reading with personal guidance on the path to your soul purpose, you can book a session on my site.
What I got was short and simple. You're in a situation that ultimately makes you sad. It can be a relationship, career, friendship, etc...but for the sake of the reading, I'll just say relationship. In the beginning of the relationship, it was great- it seemed solid. But lately, it's brought both of you sadness. But instead of walking away, you stay around for it and refuse to complete the cycle. Im getting a sense of someone who suffers from abandonment issues (a scared inner child). You stay because you dont want to get abandoned like you probably did when you were little. And Im NOT judging but I must say--> WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for what happened to us as children. But WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for fixing it as adults. Anyways, I'm seeing that you just refuse to let go of a situation that doesnt bring you happiness. You keep hoping that things will change but it's proven over and over again that it never does. Im showing that IT WONT CHANGE and the only change that can be brought to the situation is change WITHIN YOURSELF-- finally finding the courage to leave. The last card indicates that the Universe has someone who will offer you a more stable, happy relationship. But if you keep holding on to the relationship that DOES NOT WORK, you will miss out on a offer of a relationship that will. It's your choice and I pray you choose soon as we are stepping into a new cycle and new age. Dont take your baggage with you. Leave it where it is and go into the future where there are better things waiting for you. All you have to do is LET GO and wash your hands of it. There's something better waiting for you.
What we tell the Universe, ourselves and others when we hold on to a toxic relationship is..."I deserve this mistreatment; I dont deserve to be treated better; Im not worthy of anything better." And so that is what you ultimately get. The Universe meets you at how YOU value yourself & will bring more of what you're a vibrational match to. You cant hold on to something bad and get mad at God/Universe because you're miserable. The power is in YOUR HANDS... all you have to do is LET GO so you can get something better.
Important Cycle: Astrologically, we are wrapping up The Age of Pisces and going into The Age of Aquarius. On Feb 19 we go into Pisces season-- which is when we complete a cycle & that is when everything is supposed to transform into the next level (since its the END of the zodiac/season so it takes us into the New Age [Aquarius]). Pisces deals with KARMA so we are wrapping up all the karma that people have accumulated in the last decade.
Karma: The type of Karma that will be coming back for you is based on how you've treated others. It's the Universes way of "What goes around; comes around" If you've been treating people bad (cheated, abused, etc...), then you'll have bad karma coming for you. But if you treated people with compassion (especially if they've tested you), then you'll be rewarded with good karma.
Part of you getting good karma is to cut out karmic relationships. Karmic relationships are relationships that are supposed to teach you a lesson. A LOT of the times it is to teach you to LOVE YOURSELF. Most karmic relationships start off great but then keep getting worse and never gets better no matter what you do. It normally has some sort of abuse in it (whether it be verbal, mental/emotional, and sadly even physical). It gets so bad that one has to go within and LOVE THEMSELVES enough to LEAVE and learn the lesson from it by NOT accepting that type of abuse again in another relationship.
(I was interrupted while writing on this blog so I will just paste what I written on my facebook.)
IF you are apart from your partner, TRUST that this is divinely orchestrated. Sometimes God WILL cause separation so that your partner’s bad karma won’t hurt you (as an innocent bystander). Or if you are an asshole, they dont want you to benefit from the good karma your partner is about to be rewarded with.
But RIGHT BEFORE the Pisces season, Divine will give us a chance to right our wrongs. And couples (especially twin flames) will be separated to go through a test. Are you both ready to take your relationship to a higher level of commitment? If so, ALL doors to any unhealthy karmic relationship /attachments must be closed because it’s BLOCKING your union from moving forward (physically or energetically). If you don’t love yourself enough to stand up & shut the doors then you’ll be giving those toxic karmics permission to mistreat / hurt you for a few more years. And to protect your partner from your drama, Divine will remove your partner & send them a new love who will make them very happy. Then your karma (for not loving yourself & not protecting your relationship ) will be to see your partner happy AF in someone else’s arms while you’re miserable still trying to please your karmic(s). Gods not going to ALLOW you to have both situations, hence the shake up & His intervention.
I say this to say- your separation is God’s protection! I know it hurts but use this time for introspection. And be happy that you’re being protected and/or that Gods protecting your partner from your bs karma!
HAVE FAITH IN THE PROCESS & keep them in your prayers of gratitude...and mercy. If all goes well, if you are fated to be together, if the right choices are made, YOU WILL BE together when things are safe & sound.
This is not some mambo Jambo spiritual crap... this is REAL & the COLLECTIVE is going through this transformation right now or soon will be!
Happy Lessons!! May we all appreciate karma for her lessons & learn from our past mistakes. And may we all do wayyyy better in the future, for our future.
Blessed be 

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