FAMILY & TRIBE --Dont Let ANYONE Stop You From LIVING YOUR LIFE! > Daily Oracle Reading

Be very discerning with other people’s opinions. Become aware of how the beliefs of your family and tribe are influencing you. What did you learn about relationships, money and opportunities when you were younger? Ask yourself, am I still carrying some of those outdated beliefs? Am I trying to seek love and approval from my family by doing what they want me to do? An important question to ask yourself is whether you are living your life in order to make someone else or yourself happy. This card asks you to examine your loyalties, family beliefs, superstitions and rituals that have power over you. Let go of anything that is not serving you. 

You are also being asked to face your fears of being different and embrace your uniqueness even if others don’t understand or approve of your actions. Often working with your energy centers, in particular the root chakra, can help you release past limitations and hurts, increase your confidence and help you manifest your desires into the physical reality. 

Recognize beliefs that you have adopted from others. Play some tribal music. Imagine that other people’s limiting beliefs are like chains that stop you from moving forward. Stomp your feet and focus on recognizing each belief, pattern or past experience and then imagine letting them go. You can even visualize throwing all the chains into a purple flame which dissolves them. Then give yourself permission to move forward and put all of your energy, on a daily basis, into how you would love to live your life.
