This card indicates that your intuition is very strong at the moment. You are right to rely upon your gut feelings, dreams that seem intense or other messages and signs. Problems will be solved easier than before but decisions need to be made right away. Spending time alone will be nourishing to your soul.
Personal/relationships The Moon card can give you clarity regarding relationships. Be on the lookout for deception in the form of a two-faced friend, lover or family member. They may not be what they seem. The new moon is an ideal time for relationships.
Business acquaintances who meet under a new moon herald success and soulmate connections may be made. New ventures abound and positive health conditions prevail. You will find success in anything started now. Move forward confidently.
Career/money The moon also represents fresh, new ideas and creativity, which could really help your career or those in business. A confrontation is indicated so be aware of all the facts before you take part in any heated discussions. Tread lightly. Be careful who you talk to at this time as a Judas may appear. Avoid gossip at any cost. Many doors are closing but just let them. You now have the chance to completely change your life if you move forward and leave the past behind you once and for all. Turn a silver coin over in your wallet and make a money wish. It is a good time for it to come true.
POWER TIP On the full moon, light two small candles (one purple, one white) and chant the following poem three times. With the moon so bright, The timing is right. Manifest my desire Under this bright fire. Blow the candles out when you are finished but leave overnight in the moonlight.
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