WHOLE CLOVES: Protection, Banishes Negativity, Draws in Prosperity in Love & Wealth

Benefits: Banishes evil, brings in prosperity, stops gossiping (cloves numbs the mouth lol), clears your head, protects from evil/negativity, purifies the room you burn it in, helps with anxiety and insomnia and more...

I remember informing my clients (especially those who are empaths and hasnt accepted it yet lol) to start carrying around black crystals such as black obsidian and black tourmaline to protect them from negativity. Majority of my clients found this hard to do because most are in the military and as you know, it's not part of their uniforms. So, I suggested putting it in their pockets but it seems that it will be too bulky and noticeable.

This past full moon, I was in deep meditation. And one of the messages I received was that WHOLE CLOVES can also help. All they needed to do was carry around 2 small cloves with them (or more if they choose). It will have the same effect as the crystals and will protect their energy from negative ones. 

I think this is a great alternative as 
  1. You can easily find it at any grocery store (especially if you dont want to get caught in a "witchy" one. lmao 
  2. You probably already have it in your kitchen.
  3. It's so small you can carry it anywhere with you.
  4. Place a bowl of it in your room to sleep better
  5. Best results, place it in every room to keep negativity out
  6. If used as an incense (burn it), it not only smells good but it releases a chemical that will help calm the brain (great for meditation).
  7. If brewed like a tea (a teaspoon of grounded cloves), it will help with insomnia
  8. Ground it and cook it w oil to make clove oil and stop toothaches.
  9. and so much more...
It is a wonderful herb to have! Thank me later. =)
