Most people think I'm a bit looney when I say that the full moon really affects my mood and energy. We watch scary movies and assume that it is all fictional but there is always some truth to what we watch. In a lot of werewolf movies, the full moon bring out such a powerful energy that humans transform into werewolves. LMAO Funny thing is that it does drive us so crazy that we can at times feel MONSTROUS. It's like the werewolves are symbolic -- First the pain (of transforming), after the transformation...our craziness and moods (the attacking), & a couple of days after (even as soon as the next day after the full moon), we are back to normal again (werewolves turn back into humans).
The Moon is well-known for its effect on the ocean’s tides, which ebb and flow with its gravitational pull. The tidal pull of the Moon is in fact over twice that of the Sun, even though the gravitational pull of the Sun on Earth is approximately 178 times stronger than the Moon’s. Anything that has a gravitational pull on the ocean’s tides is bound to affect our bodies, too. If you think about it, if the moon can affect the entire ocean on Earth, whey wouldn't it be able to affect us humans if our body is made up of 70% of water?
During the times of the New Moon and Full Moon, the fluids in our bodies rise from our feet all the way up to our head. To me this “feels” like it makes sense why there seems to be extra pressure and tension, not to mention vertigo during some migraine attacks.
This has been true for me. And as I started keeping a journal, I started noticing the unexplained intense migraines (ranging from 8-10) taking place only during the new moon AND full moon. Most would call it a coincidence but if it happens EVERY MONTH it's not. Then some would say that it is all in my head. But I have journal entries describing the migraines before I even became aware of this. And they all took place approx 2-3 days BEFORE the New and Full Moon and lasted a couple of days after.
Anyways, I'm not here to write about the who, what, why about the moon. You can do your research as I had to make sense of it all. I'm here to write about what helps me with the migraine and moods.
Back in Dec 2017, I ended up in the ER. This was before I was aware of the moon's effect on me. My migraine was soooo bad that I couldnt eat or sleep for days. I didnt even have the energy to send my boyfriend at the time a simple text to let him know what was going on-- that bad! The doctors prescribed hooked me up to IV because I was so dehydrated-- the pain was so bad that I threw up anything I tried to consume. And although it stopped me from shaking, the migraine would not go away. They prescribed me Tylenol 4 (with codeine--strong stuff) and still...nothing! I was also injected with a sedative that didnt work at putting me to sleep (so I can stop throwing up).
When I got home and tried to rest again, I got an intuitive hit telling me to go on my Total Vibration Machine. I bought this machine about 5 years ago to work out on and to help me with insomnia. Never did I think it would help me with the migraine. But i listened to my intuition and went on it. I placed a pillow on it and sat on it (with my back leaning on the wall to support my frail body). And in 2 minutes, my migraine went away and I fell asleep on it. JUST LIKE THAT!
Now, 2019 I almost ended up in the ER again. This crazy energy from the Full Moon AND Eclipse had my head feeling like it was going to explode! I tried taking Tylenol 4 again but it didnt help like before. I drank lots of water and laid in my bed in pain. Then again...spirits came to me and said, "GET ON YOUR MACHINE!" I completely forgot how it helped me the last time but when they said that, I knew exactly what machine they were referring to. And once again, IN MATTERS OF 2 MINUTES-- Im healed...migraine is gone.
Between the ER visit in 2017 and now, I've just been meditating to help with the migraines. It helps but when it gets so intense like it did in 2017 and now, it is very hard to meditate when it hurts so bad. So, meditating didnt help me this time, as it failed to help the last time. But getting on my machine and it providing such a soothing vibration, it relaxed me so I was able to meditate.
As I was meditating, I was also told that 3 days before the full/new moon, I should cleanse my body of it's negative energy that might have attached to me by being around others (especially since Im an energy healer). Here is what I was told will help:
- 3 days before the moon transitions (full or new), cleanse my home and body by burning Sage, Bay Leaves and/or Whole Cloves. They all get rid of negative energies but Bay & Cloves when burned gives off a relaxing chemical to help relax my mind.
- Take a salt bath and when rinsing, imagine that the negative energy is being rinsed off me and going into the drain.
- Drink lots of water (preferably without flouride)
- Keep black crystals/stones with me if Im dealing with others or a couple of cloves.
- Place a bowl of bay leaves and cloves where I sleep and in my office (every room for best results)
- Get a cat --preferably black as they absorb and transmute negative energies. Unfortunately, I'm unable to get one right now because I have dogs.
I, personally, do everything above to maximize the effects. I started as soon as I got the message. And the moons energy didnt affect me as bad after that. I like the CLOVES the most because you can buy it at any grocery store (already had it in my kitchen), it's inexpensive, love the aroma of it, and it's so much easier to carry in my pockets. Plus, i dont get accused of smoking weed when I burn it as it smells nothing like it. lmao
I placed a link to the Total Vibration Machine that I personally have and others. Although, Im not sure if the newer ones are as strong as mine. Mine is 500W and shook my entire townhouse--even started cracking a wall. So I suggest using it on the lower level of your home (concrete).
BTW: I also use this machine to MANIFEST. It helps with depression so once I feel like my energy is going down, to raise it, I get on this and vibrate away. It has me feeling so good that I use it as a MANIFESTATION TOOL! =)
BTW: I also use this machine to MANIFEST. It helps with depression so once I feel like my energy is going down, to raise it, I get on this and vibrate away. It has me feeling so good that I use it as a MANIFESTATION TOOL! =)
I hope this post helps! Namaste!
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