Improve Egg Quality for Pregnancy & Prevent Miscarriage

Click video below:

She recommends this brand of Vitamin D 

Others have also recommended 
Vitamin C
Vitamin E

Below is a mantra that you can chant to help get pregnant. Just be in a quiet place, close your eyes & meditate while chanting this mantra (silently or out loud)

I would also suggest going to a Reiki Practitioner to balance your Sacral chakra, which is responsible for the organs & hormones for fertility. You can also find distant healers (Im one).

Other ways to balance your Sacral Chakras:

  1. Wear orange clothing. You can wear it under your regular clothing/ uniforms.
  2. Buy orange pillows or even an orange bedsheets.
  3. Eat orange foods - fruits, veggies, etc...
  4. Lay down and place your hands on your sacral chakra (space below your navel) and visualize your hands healing your sacral chakra. Also, think/feel the joy of being pregnant and fantasize what you would do if you were. 
  5. You can also chant the mantra in the above video while placing your hands on your sacral chakra.

Many blessings to you!
