Inspired Action or NOT? How to Tell the Difference


Take Inspired Action 

When you're paying attention to guidance, at some  point you will be called to DO SOMETHING. Martha Silver’s "Fourth Technology of Magic" defines this stage as "Forming." suggests paying attention to spanda at this point in the process. Spanda is a Sanskrit term that means "to move a little." In other words, surrendering doesn't equal passivity. Sometimes you'll be called to inspired action. 

Can't tell whether or not to act? Then use your body as a compass. If you're considering taking some action in the direction of your desire, do you feel a full-body YES that makes you leap up with enthusiasm? Or does it feel like a "should" that leaves your body exhausted  at the mere thought of it? Inspired action feels energizing and easeful, while ego-driven striving can leave you feeling drained, stressed, or overwhelmed with dread. 

Inspired action may require you to put your butt in the chair and do something challenging, but it will still have the feeling of play about it. 
