Galactic Downloads & Light Codes HAPPENING NOW TO YOU Twin Flames

Does this card speak to you? Does the image capture your attention? You were guided here so this message is for YOU!

It’s not a coincidence that I pulled this card on the day as the huge #galactic wave that arrived on May 26th . We’re just in synced with this #hugeshift especially if you’re a #twinflame  

 Dear one, please do not be alarmed - but overnight your system has been receiving upgrades in the form of new light codes and activations to assist you further into Ascension.

This is quite common on the Ascension path and is meant to guide you further into increasing your physical vessel's capacity to hold light and Ascend into a higher consciousness of freedom, unity, love.

 You may have been feeling tired, cranky, out of sorts lately - as your body deals with the intense experience of integrating brand new information and programming it's never encountered before.

Do not worry, as this work is divinely guided and has been agreed to on a soul level. Rest assured this work is to the highest good and your Twin Flame is also receiving attention to their system in due time. This work is done in alignment with Free Will to support you on your journey back together.

You may begin to remember more levels of dreaming, Ascending into a different state of mind, and/ or begin to see things from a different perspective after this. 

Be good to your body, and allow it the rest it needs. Any resistance coming ủp is related to this work - when light comes in, the darkness that was there begins to move up to the surface. 

For best results, daily energy management can assist in shifting out of old negativity faster and with more ease. 

It is also recommended that you take your healing journey serious. The more blockages you remove on a deep subconscious level, the faster your healing will progress. We can assist you in removing any trapped emotions from the past (even past lives), from your DNA (hereditary karma) and any emotions you might have absorbed from others.  The more trapped emotions and traumas you remove from her energy body, the faster you will find balance and live a happier life. You will be able to ascend faster. And don't forget- when you heal, you also heal your Twin Flame as your soul is there soul. Book a tele-healing session at 

Sending you love & your twin flame, so light & gentle healing vibes.  Namaste 🙏

For a personal reading and distant tele-healing session, book online at 
