Old Soul- Bring Your Knowledge and Wisdom Forth to Assist Others



Bring your knowledge and wisdom forth to assist others.

You have drawn this card today because you are an old soul with much wisdom to share with the world.

Empaths are old souls who have lived several previous lifetimes.Through these many past lifetimes, you have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. Through this knowledge and wisdom, you are able to be a guide and be a way-shower to others. 

You can do this by starting your own website and blog. You can write about and share information pertaining to your area of expertise. You can then publish it, sharing on social media sites such as: Facebook, Twitter or other social media outlets. You can write an e-book. You can make and share YouTube videos. You can hold seminars on your area of expertise. You can start a group in person, or on Facebook and lead chat sessions to assist others.

Sharing your knowledge has the power to guide, heal and transform others. And in the process of doing so, it lets others know they are not alone. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone in sharing your knowledge and wisdom. Others seek this type of information to validate their own path and journey too.

Many old souls/star seeds/empaths are the way showers that have volunteered to be on Earth at this time to be a guide in the ascension process. Many do just this by using the above methods listed to share their knowledge, or downloads of information received through their Higher Self.

The hardest part is the first step. Once you make the first step and begin, the momentum will carry you forward.

Crystal to Assist: 

Blue Topaz - Alignment with Higher Self. Creative

expression, writing and focusing on your path.
