You Are Beautiful! Twin Flame Oracle Reading


Dear one, you may have been concerned in recent times about how your counterpart sees you. Your confidence may have been knocked due to past hurts, others' perceptions.. But you are truly beautiful.

Be aware that sometimes when you feel low about yourself, you have actually picked up on collective negativity when out and about

in society. Remember also that in the human world there are those who have a financial interest in making you feel bad about your appearance - the beauty, entertainment and clothing industry are key in this.

Be aware just by going about your daily life in the western world that you are being peppered with messages that are designed to make you try to feel bad about yourself and want to improve yourself.

The divine truth, however, is that you are already perfect! With this card, your divine counterpart is saying you are beautiful! They truly see you that way, no matter what may have been said in the ego world.
