Are you frustrated and dissatisfied with the quality of your life? Circling in the same emotional baggage and physical and mental pain and discomfort with no end in sight?
Join me for 7 consecutive days of body/mind healing and quantum realignment for only $98; where we transcend and breakthrough all past blocks and limitations by tapping into your infinite God given power to self-source your own energy, rather than accepting what shows up.
This is a DISTANT HEALING / REMOTE HEALING where you won’t have to come into a physical place & can heal at the comfort of your own home (or anywhere in the world/ universe for that matter)
According to quantum physicists there’s a unified energetic field that connects all living things. Energy projected into this field by a master energy healer can improve physical, mental, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. All the major religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, endorse the use of distant healing to reconnect with oneself and God. Being part of the 7 Days of Healing group also creates an amplified field of consciousness, whereby resonate matched souls in the group receive additional healing benefits, just by coming together with the intention to heal and raise their level of consciousness.
More info or Join Now at https://easyentityrelease.com?ref=healinginnergy
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