Courtesy Healing Session for HWZ age 55. Is this YOU?

Is this YOU? I did a healing session for the collective, specifically someone who was lead to see this post & who needed it the most.

You are possibly:

female (or male with a feminine energy), 

Age: 55

Significant Initials: H, W/M, and/or Z. 

Zodiac: Strong Virgo energy or Sagittarius (or have those strongly on your chart) But can be any sign.

Stuck Energy removed from you: 1. HATRED, age 39

2. Heartache, age 33

1.) Hatred from a situation that happened when you were 39- someone /something really pissed you off!! This hatred may be affecting your liver and/or gallbladder since that’s where hatred is stored in our bodies. I feel this causes you to drink alcohol a lot- this is how you escape how you feel.

This hatred you had has really blocked you from starting over & finding stability in relationships and/finances. 

I’m getting 2 scenarios. Which one is yours? (Roles can be reversed)

In love, I feel like you moved in with someone (or traveled to them) because at the time, you thought this person (might be a Gemini) was everything you were looking for. You thought this was “IT!” Your happily ever after. Your wish come true. But you later found out that all this was a lie. This person wasn’t ready for what you wanted & didn’t have anything to offer you except sex. You saw their true colors after the mask fell off. I feel they cheated on you because they’re the type that loves attention & they felt you didn’t give them enough. when confronted, they blamed you for being cold & needy. They even said that all you do is b!tch . YOU HATE THIS PERSON for doing this to you & wasting your time. You met this person online.

This might even be an ex who wanted to rekindle- they talked about marriage & starting over with you but it was all a lie. This person might even still be legally married. If this is an ex, I feel you were holding back & guarding your heart because they hurt you in the past (lied & cheated) & you feared they’d do it again. If this is not an ex, someone 

2) broke your heart at age 33 & you are guarded because of this. This is why you were closed off & distant…trying to protect yourself. I’m seeing a heart ache at age 33 that you energetically held on to.

But that doesn’t excuse anyone from hurting you. If they feel you’re closed off, they should talk to you about it, not cheat on you!

If this is job related, you moved for a job that you thought you would love & you thought this was a dream job. Just to find out that it wasn’t what the employer made it to be. And I feel you hate your boss for firing you! She was a b to you the whole time.

I released those trapped energies of Hatred from age 39  & Heartache from age 33. If you go back to those memories, you’ll notice that the thoughts no longer bother you as they once did. I can heal the feelings associated with the memory but can’t remove the memory because it’s needed for us to evolve & learn from. 

Obviously, your soul was SOOOO READY to heal from this. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been guided here. Youre 55 & your just tired of attracting bs. 

By releasing those energies, it opens you up to a NEW BEGINNING! Where you will shine at work and/or where you’ll attract a partner who sees you shine! A partner who will love you in and out- there’s no need to put a mask on- you can be vulnerable with this one!

If you still feel stagnant or fearful of love, it’s because there’s more work to do & more energies to clear. If you need my help, please book a session on my website.

I hope you enjoyed this courtesy healing- it’s on me & your spirit guides! ❤️
